Writing tips

How to write numbers

Words or numerals In words from one to nine and in numerals from 10 onwards. Exceptions: Chapter 1 Grade 2 Fractions: 3.4 or 8½ Age groups: 2...

Compound nouns

A noun is a word used to identify people, places, or things. A compound noun has the same function but is made up of two or more words. It could be a ...

Prepositions – the basics

Prepositions connect nouns or pronouns with the rest of a sentence. They’re short words that yield a lot of power. Prepositions expand on what you’re ...

Less or fewer

Rule of thumb: Use fewer if you can count it. Use less if it’s not quantifiable. The opposite of both is more. Examples Her diet is paying off. She w...

What’s the difference?

Similar words with different meanings Principal Principle Head, main or most important person Fundamental truth, law or standard The...
relative pronouns

Too many “whiches”

I have been proofreading and editing articles written by lawyers for the past 25 years. Lawyers are very fond of long sentences. Often these contain n...

When to use italics

Italics make words stand out from the rest of the text – the modern equivalent of underlining. But there are rules – there are always rules. Here are ...
Business email

Business emails made easy

An email consists of a subject line, salutation, body, greetings, and sometimes attachments. And it’s “email” – no hyphen. In the early days instead ...