Turning Legal Writing into Reader-Friendly Articles (online course)

Over the past 20 years, I’ve been editing legal articles and have come across the same issues again and again.

Lawyers usually write in a style that’s not reader-friendly for the average person. For example, nouns that are deemed important start with capital letters; lots of filler words and phrases; using “which” in nearly every sentence; passive language; sentences with conjunctions that go on and on; etc.

Lawyers are not aware of this, because it’s the writing style they are taught at university. But it’s not appropriate for articles in business publications. That’s why I’ve decided to develop a course to show lawyers how to transform their writing into articles that people actually want to read.

Every lawyer who writes articles can benefit; as well as support staff who proofread and edit their articles.

It’s a practical, hands-on online course with exercises, and they can apply what they’ve learned immediately. The course comes with a 38-page digital booklet with the course material and style guidelines that cover everything you need to know.

Who should do this course?

  • Lawyers who write and publish articles or would like to write better articles
  • Support staff who proofread and edit legal articles

Purpose of the course

  • To provide legal professionals with the motivation and ability to turn legal writing into articles for external publication
  • To learn how to write articles that can be easily understood by non-lawyers
  • To assist each participant in areas where they need help

The course covers

  • Why write articles
  • Where to get ideas for articles
  • Identifying the target audience
  • Writing for a non-legal audience
  • How to write a good article: Headline, introductory paragraph, body copy
  • What not to do: Checklist for legal articles
  • Online tools (grammar and plagiarism checkers)
  • Q&A

This is a broad outline. The course has 15 lectures. Delegates will receive a PDF handout with style guidelines based on the Associated Press Stylebook.

Online course

ZAR4,950 (including VAT) in South Africa and globally EUR297 (UK English spelling).

Use coupon code AWFL-25 for a 25% discount until 28 February 2025.

This course is also available as an in-house workshop for up to eight delegates per session.
Contact training@andreapaulsen.com for the in-house workshop.